Eucor: The European Campus

The ZML is involved in the new international project Eucor. Eucor aims to strengthen the cooperation in research and teaching by the exchange of students and lecturers, by joint courses of studies and research programmes as well as by the mutual recognition of academic achievements within Europe.

The "European Confederation of Upper Rhine Universities" (Eucor) was founded as early as 1989 with the aim of deepening scientific cooperation and contributing to understanding and mutual opening of the countries and regions of Europe. The Upper Rhine universities of Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are involved in the "European Campus".

Contact person at the ZML
Raphael Morisco
Phone: +49 721-608-48168
e-mail: raphael.morisco∂

Judith Borel
Phone: +49 721-608-48205
e-mail: judith.borel∂

The new funding line (2020-2023) focuses on more networking in the field of e-learning. Among other things, KIT is concerned with the expansion of human and financial resources in the field of e-learning and blended learning. The goal is to implement selected blended learning events and make them available across locations within the European Campus. Within this framework, selected lectures are to be transmitted in several languages using the Lecture Translator technology. A MOOC is also to be implemented and legal and organisational issues relating to the cross-university provision of digital courses are to be clarified. Furthermore, the project aims to improve the networking of the e-learning service units of the participating universities. In addition to the ZML, the International Service Unit (INTL) at KIT is also involved in the Eucor project.