Blackboard Lecture

If you want to work with the blackboard in the lecture hall, this is possible in principle. For this purpose, a camera can be connected to your own laptop and used as a screen share in Zoom & Co. This allows a double blackboard (two blackboard surfaces on top of each other) to be streamed legibly. In large lecture halls (e.g. Benz- and Daimler-HS) this corresponds to a third of the entire blackboard surface.

You will need your own camera with tripod for this, which can be used in Zoom via USB or HDMI to USB adapter. You set this up once before the start of the course and start the permanent screen sharing in Zoom. After that, you can work continuously on Blackboard. It is only necessary to use Zoom to moderate the chat or to switch to a slide presentation in the meantime. It is recommended to delegate the moderation of the text chat to another person (student assistant, staff member, student of the course). This moderation can be done on another device as a co-host of the meeting.

If the limited whiteboard space is not enough for you, or the more frequent interruptions for wiping are distracting, you can switch to the scenario of streaming lecture (beamer/visualizer) with chat and work on multiple pages of paper that can be changed more easily. Alteratively, the camera on the tripod needs to be tracked by you or another person as you change the panel. The tripod does not have to be moved, the distortion caused by the oblique perspective can usually be accepted.

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