Teaching media: MOOCs & learning modules
With online continuing education courses, interested parties can acquire new knowledge flexibly and free of charge - independent of time and location. Whether compact learning modules or comprehensive MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) - there is a wide range of content for different learning needs and interests.
We are happy to support and advise you in the design, development and implementation of your own learning modules and MOOCs. If you wish, we can guide you through the individual phases - from brainstorming and content and media design to the optimal provision and implementation of the finished course. This results in online offerings that are precisely tailored to the needs of the respective target group and promote sustainable learning success.
Contact persons at the ZML
Sarah Holstein
Phone: +49 721 608-48219
E-mail: sarah.holstein∂kit.edu
Daniel Weichsel
Phone: +49 721 608-48207
E-mail: daniel.weichsel∂kit.edu

MOOCs combine parts of knowledge transfer with interactive elements to promote skills.
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With online learning modules, learning content can be presented in a particularly vivid way using videos, interactive and practical examples.
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Employee training courses provide targeted knowledge and strengthen skills for specific tasks and topics.
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