Lecture Recording
The use of lecture recordings has been further simplified. This means that as of the winter semester 22/23, a service is available that allows even faster and less complicated recording in the lecture hall. The service includes the provision of the recording for the own students within the respective ILIAS course. Furthermore, the recordings can be used additionally via KITopen, permanently and beyond the closed user group, if required.

The service is currently offered in 16 lecture halls. The individual recordings are automatically available in the Opencast element of the ILIAS course shortly after each lecture.
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Many teaching rooms are prepared for this and do not require any additional devices of their own. Self-recording is conveniently done with Zoom and provided via Opencast in ILIAS.
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If required, the recordings can be adapted and used beyond the respective semester and the actual audience - for example in subsequent semesters on ILIAS. In the integrated service, you can additionally publish the recordings in KITopen and as OER.
More informationThe use of lecture recordings is being further developed at KIT in the project "Lecture Recordings - Continuation, Further Development and Better Accessibility" , supported by the Strategy Fund. |
>> Manage your own recordings (available for winter semester 22/23)