
Lecture recording

Students no longer learn in the lecture hall only but also on a computer or a smartphone. To meet these new requirements, we support you concerning the multimedia preparation and provision of your courses.

We record your event - be it a large lecture, a small seminar, a conference, a faculty meeting or an institute party.

Advantages of lecture recording:

  • Flexibility - everyone can access the information, whether in home office or on a business trip
  • Inclusion through the greatest possible freedom from barriers
  • Reminder - at celebrations the video offers a nice opportunity to watch it again in a team on another occasion
  • Quality assurance and documentation
  • Possibility to combine with a live stream

Contact persons at the ZML


Svenja Geißler
automated lecture recording
phone: +49 721 608 - 48154
E-Mail: svenja.geissler∂kit.edu

Axel Fischer
further service packages
phone: +49 721 608 - 48203

How lecture recording works:

  • Lectures are held as usual - with simultaneous recording of audio, beamer and/or camera signals using modern recording technology
  • Post-editing of the sound and - if necessary - the image: cutting out pauses and organisational announcements, setting chapter marks, arranging beamer and camera images
  • Provision according to the lecturers' wishes on KITopen, YouTube or ILIAS as a supplement to your course.
  • Either private, campus-wide or worldwide - completely adapted to your needs.


Lecturers can choose between different offers according to their level of comfort. Additionally, individual modules can be added. We will be happy to advise you on the technology and possible applications.