Lecture recording - consolidation, further development and better accessibility

Lecture recordings have not only been available at KIT since the coronavirus pandemic. The automation of recordings has been driven forward since 2018 and lecture halls have been technically equipped for this purpose. In the past two years, the demand for lecture recordings has increased many times over and required rapid expansion and the widest possible availability. It can also be assumed that lecture recordings will play a much greater role in the post-pandemic period than before. It is therefore important to further develop and consolidate the existing processes. This is to be done in the "Lecture Recording" project.

Contact persons at ZML
Andreas Sexauer
Phone: +49 721 608-48215
E-mail: andreas.sexauer∂kit.edu

Alexander Hock
Phone: +49 721 608-48218
E-mail: alexander.hock∂kit.edu

In this project, KIT Library, SCC and ZML are working together to further expand the possibilities of lecture recordings at KIT and to make them quickly and easily accessible for teachers and students. The focus is particularly on subsequent use. Teachers are not only supported in carrying out the recording, but also in how they can incorporate recorded lectures into their teaching in the long term. In addition, hybrid teaching formats are to be developed that can be used easily and flexibly by lecturers. Based on the live use of the LectureTranslator in selected lecture halls, there are also plans to further advance the integration of speech recognition and translation services in this context.

Another important part of the project is the development of new perspectives for Open Science. The OpenCast and KITopen infrastructures were already connected in the first phase of the project. Now the structures need to be better adapted to the amount of recorded content so that it can also be made available on a sustainable basis as part of Open Science.

The aim of the project is to bring the various sub-services into a coherent overview for users in order to better exploit the potential of continuous use in this way. This infrastructure should serve both the basic needs that have grown and also leave room for more complex requests.