ILIAS is a learning platform, often also referred to as a Learning Management System (LMS). Learning platforms offer functions for the distribution of learning materials, the organization of learning processes, the determination of learning outcomes, as well as the possibility of using different communication media. The tools offered can be flexibly combined with each other, allowing a variety of scenarios to be realized, from the supportive accompaniment of face-to-face courses to purely online course offerings.

Contact person at the ZML
Thomas May
Phone: +49 721 608-48208
E-mail: may∂

What is ILIAS used for at KIT?

Within KIT, ILIAS is offered as a central service for different tasks and target groups. The different instances have in common that the access for employees is released with the KIT account and the corresponding password. The main tasks of the individual instances as well as the respective accesses are as follows:


  • University teaching: The ILIAS instance at represents the central teaching-learning platform for university teaching at KIT. With their KIT accounts, students and employees have access to the digital teaching offers within the scope of study operations.

  • Pilot instance: The so-called pilot instance primarily serves to test new features of ILIAS. This instance offers both employees and students the possibility to get to know and test new functions of ILIAS together. All students and employees with their KIT accounts have access to the pilot instance at

  • Open courses: The instance offers selected online courses of KIT am and addresses the interested public. After independent registration, open course offers can be used. KIT employees and students can access with their KIT accounts.

  • Employee training courses: The ILIAS instance "KOaLA - KIT's online platform for workplace learning" is available to KIT employees as a central platform for learning and further training offers. KIT employees can access the offers with their KIT accounts at

    The Department for Personnel Development and Professional Training (PEBA) is responsible for operation.

  • European University EPICUR: Within the framework of the European university network EPICUR, KIT provides the common ILIAS platform With their KIT accounts, KIT employees and students have direct access.

Where can I find further information?

For all those who want to get to know ILIAS, we have made the online course "In a few steps to your first ILIAS course" available on ILIAS. Here you can get a first impression of working with ILIAS and learn how to create your own course environment in eight easy steps. The course is freely accessible and free of charge.

To get to know the basics of ILIAS, we offer regular ILIAS workshops for KIT lecturers. Information about the next dates can be found on this page or in our event calendar.

In the ILIAS magazine, section "Help and information for lecturers" you will find comprehensive information on how to use ILIAS. There you will find specific information on different tasks when dealing with ILIAS, as well as best-practice templates for different course room scenarios.

ILIAS instructions