Lernangebote für Schüler*innen

Learning opportunities for pupils

To build a bridge from school to university, we participate in various projects for school students. The aim is to get young people interested in scientific and technical topics at an early stage, to offer them an insight into the working world of a university and to convey the possibilities of media-based learning.

Current offers 2022/2023:


Contact person at ZML
Michael Gauss
Phone: +49 721 608-48206
E-mail: michael.gauss3∂kit.edu

Current offers 2024:


Science Camps
Science Camps

We offer a total of five Science Camps with different focal points: In addition to the topics "energy" and "geothermal energy" from the last years, "electromobility" and "robotics" will be added. Here you can discuss problems that are now also very present in everyday life. The Science Camp Computer Science is aimed exclusively at girls and offers an insight into the fields of work of female computer scientists. In all Science Camps young people have the opportunity to carry out their own projects with experiments and research in small groups, to look over the shoulder of scientists and to slip into the role of a researcher.

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Science Exchange Program
Science Exchange Program

The exchange program between Karlsruhe and Shanghai is aimed at 10th and 11th grade students who are open-minded and interested in scientific and technical topics. You want to broaden your horizon by meeting Chinese exchange students and by visiting China? Then register for the Science Exchange Program 2021! It is an event of the Center for Media Learning in cooperation with the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe and the German China Society. The exchange program takes place at regular intervals. The ZML is responsible for the organization of student projects at KIT.

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Make_Your_School_2Wissenschaft im Dialog
Make Your School

Three days of tinkering, hacking and building instead of regular lessons. As part of the "Make Your School" project, we will be visiting four schools in Karlsruhe next year together with the KIT Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ETIT). At the so-called Hackdays, students will think about how they can improve their school with the help of digital and technical solutions - we will support them with technical impulses and help them to help themselves.

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Unsere Partner

We are actively involved in the following networks that promote young people's interest in scientific and technical topics.