Digital Learning Lab (DLL)

The Digital Learning Lab (DLL) is an innovative learning environment consisting of a real and a virtual room. Students can get to know various technologies here and try them out directly.

Our aim is not only to impart technical knowledge, but also to give students the opportunity to design, test and reflect on target group-oriented and practice-oriented media projects. The aim is to develop their own ideas and implement them in an inspiring environment.

The DLL is located on the second floor of InformatiKOM (building 50.19, room 108 / seminar room 5) and is open to all KIT students on Mondays from 09:30 to 16:00 and Wednesdays from 12:00 to 16:00. Come by and get started right away!

Real learning environment

The real learning environment offers five mobile stations where students can create projects, seminar papers and teaching material, either individually or in groups.

  • Station 1: Video production
    Here students learn how to create high-quality, pedagogically meaningful and technically correct videos.
  • Station 2: Creativity
    This station offers various methods to promote creativity and enables active creative production via 3D printing and construction.
  • Station 3: Collaboration
    Various options for working together are covered here, including server and software-based collaboration options.
  • Station 4: Virtual reality and augmented reality
    Students learn how to generate their own VR and AR experiences and can experience current VR content.
  • Station 5: Internet of Things
    At this station, students can learn about networking and communication between objects via sensors and microcontrollers.

This video gives you a 360° view of the individual stations.

Virtual learning environment

In addition to the real room, students also have access to a virtual ILIAS learning room. Here they can find specific tasks, required equipment lists, general information, further links and recommended documents for further training.

Teachers at KIT can also use the DLL for their courses. ZML employee Alexander Hock explains how this is possible in a field report on his seminar "Digital tools in science and technology teaching".