digiMINT: Media Competence in the Teaching Profession

Digitization brings with it a high dynamic. For teachers in particular, this requires an active, innovative and lifelong learning attitude. They must therefore be prepared during their studies for the constantly changing demands of digitisation. In the "digiMINT" project, the ZML focuses on creating real and virtual spaces – so-called "Digital Learning Labs" – at KIT for the development of comprehensive academic competence of teacher training students. In this way, students will have the opportunity to gain learning experiences in different learning settings. They can test the areas of application of different technologies themselves and then apply the findings and their expertise in schools. In addition, they will be enabled to engage in lifelong learning.

Design and implementation of real teaching/learning rooms

In a real "Digital Learning Lab", students should acquire knowledge and skills at various stations in an action-oriented manner. In the conception and implementation of the "Digital Learning Lab", previous modular events and current models of academic media competence serve as orientation. This ensures that the real "Digital Learning Labs" cover all relevant competence levels and areas. Here, students can not only try out the use of various technologies and gain a comprehensive overview, but also learn how to pass on the knowledge they have acquired about handling digital media to their future students.

Already in the run-up to the project, various projects and groups of people at the ZML were concerned with the initial conception of the "Digital Learning Lab": A female student tandem within the framework of a project for the promotion of highly gifted students, students of a media didactics seminar and a master's thesis investigated the topic. This resulted in a multi-perspective view (KIT internal and external) on the manifold possibilities and requirements of the project, which is to be further deepened with the start of the project in March 2020.

Contact person at the ZML

Alexander Hock
Tel. +49 721 608-48218
E-Mail: alexander.hock∂kit.edu

Daniel Weichsel
phone +49 721 608-48207
e-mail: daniel.weichsel∂kit.edu


Design and implementation of virtual teaching/learning rooms

Another focus of digiMINT is the conception of virtual "Digital Learning Labs". These are initially implemented at KIT via the ILIAS learning management system. In the further course of the project, this system will then be extended by additional digital tools. The aim is to make the results of the project available as Open Educational Resources (OER) in the database of the State Media Center Baden-Württemberg (LMZ) for teachers of general education schools throughout Baden-Württemberg and beyond. The learning platform of the virtual "Digital Learning Labs" therefore represents a tool for common OER use, synergies in content cooperation and a digital exchange between teacher training students.

Further information on the superordinate project digiMINT at KIT