Digital examination formats during the Corona crisis.

At KIT, examiners can also conduct their examinations digitally. They can choose between different scenarios. In remote scenarios, students take the exam with their own terminal device from a place of their choice outside the premises of KIT. In on-campus scenarios, the exams are conducted in the KIT pool rooms on KIT computers.

In this context, the legal framework at KIT is provided by the Statutes for the Conduct of Online Examinations at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) published on 18.05.2022.A part of the scenarios has been developed in the context of the Corona pandemic since summer 2020. Since then, the scenarios have been continuously expanded.

For the implementation of the remote scenarios "Open Book Upload exam", "Open Book Online exam", "Upload exam under video supervision" as well as "Online exam under video supervision" you will find further information on the respective subpages. The information on the On Campus scenarios will be completed until the beginning of the exam period of WS 22/23. However, you can already use them. For this, please contact the respective contact persons at the ZML.

Contact persons at the ZML
Thomas May (Remote scenarios)
Phone: +49 721 608-48208
E-Mail: may∂

Judith Borel (On-Campus Scenarios)
Phone: +49 721-608-48205
E-mail: judith.borel∂

Sarah Holstein (On-Campus Scenarios)
Phone: +49 721 608-48219
E-mail: sarah.holstein∂

The implementations provided by KIT comply with §§ 32 a, 32 b of the LHG. In the essential points, they observe the recommendations of the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (LfDI) on data protection. For both scenarios of written examinations under video supervision, a procedure for establishing identity by "depositing a digital copy of the student ID" is provided, which KIT considers to be compatible with § 32 a of the LHG. If you do not want to deposit the digital copy of your student ID, you can still establish your identity by showing an official identification document as recommended by the LfDI.
>> Information for students


Contact persons

  • If you have any legal questions about conducting digital examinations, please contact your examination board. If necessary, the board can then call in the colleagues from HAA for clarification.
  • For questions regarding the technical implementation of written electronic examinations with ILIAS and ZOOM, lecturers can contact the colleagues of the ZML via elearning∂
  • Questions regarding the administration of examinations in CAS Campus should be directed to the teaching and examination organization via campusteam∂
  • For students, the lecturer responsible for the examination is the first point of contact.

We continue to work on the development of digital examination scenarios. The joint project PePP pursues the goal of developing, testing, and scaling innovations in digital testing. With the virtual programming lab ViPLab, a browser-based programming environment for performing programming tasks in ILIAS is in the pilot phase.