Project: Educational chains / BESTOR / Bo-SEKII sub-project

The federal government's "Educational Chains" initiative aims to support young people in the transition from school to working life. As part of this, the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) initiated the project on careerand study orientationin upper secondary schools(BESTOR). The project results are available at

The following measures were developed by the project partners in five sub-projects:

  • Online learning platform for career and study guidance for teachers at upper secondary level: "BO-SEK II" (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
  • University internship "Student for one day" (University of Hohenheim)
  • Short films on various fields of study (aha! Film)
  • Information platform BW2 with sample tasks for undergraduate degree courses at universities in Baden-Württemberg (University of Tübingen)
  • Module catalog "BEST II": Methods kit for teachers (University of Freiburg)

Contact persons at ZML
Michaela Koehl
Phone: +49 721 608-48202
E-mail: michaela.koehl∂

Dr. Carolin Henken
Phone: +49 721 608-48204
E-mail: carolin.henken∂

Manuela Adams
Phone: +49 721-608-48211
E-mail: manuela.adams∂

BO-SEK II" sub-project at the ZML of the KIT

BO-SEK II is an online learning platform for careerand studyguidanceat upper secondary leveland is aimed at teachers at upper secondary level who are (newly) responsible for career and study guidance.

The platform provides teachers with background knowledge, working materials and further information on the respective topics as well as examples of implementation - clustered into nine topic modules and all in one place.

The development was carried out in close cooperation with subject specialists and the working group Gymnasium-Wirtschaft-Hochschule (AK-GWH) and is based on the guidelines for career and study orientation in the course level.

Photo above: edited by Verino77,License: CC BY-SA 2.0

Project partners