Instructional videos & screencasts

You don't need a complete film studio for the simple production of short videos. A webcam or smartphone is enough to create instructional videos with a few tips and manageable effort.

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Media production rooms

You can create your own videos quickly and easily in the media production rooms at InformatiKOM. You decide for yourself whether you want to take a ready-to-use video with you or use additional editing options such as the editing room.

More Information
Self-recording with zoom

The quickest and easiest way is to record a Zoom meeting without other participants. The specific procedure is shown in the lecture recording.

More information
Recording of handwritten contributions

Tablets with a pen often have the option of recording the screen so that you can write in an app of your choice. Visualizers also usually have the function of recording directly onto a USB stick or SD card. Alternatively, you can also use any smartphone camera as a Visualizer.

Instruction: Smartphone as a visualizer
Laptop as a film studio for screencasts & co

The standard tool for professional streamers is the open source software OBS. With just a few simple steps, you can turn your laptop, webcam and microphone into a small film studio. Whether picture in picture or different scenes with transitions when changing, OBS offers everything you need to realize your own ideas. The instructions show a simple setup to get started, which works with just a few simple steps and without any special hardware.

Instruction: OBS-recording

Video editing

LosslessCut is suitable for editing with simple means (e.g. cutting out the beginning and end, merging several videos): Instructions for video editing with LosslessCut

If you want something more advanced, the free iMovie program is available on Apple computers. On Windows PCs or Linux computers, the free version of DaVinci Resolve or the open source software Shotcut can be used.


Videos can easily be made available to your students via ILIAS. To do this, proceed in the same way as for self-recording.

With the possibilities of subsequent use and publication, nothing stands in the way of further distribution, for example as an open and permanent educational resource (OER).


Which licenses must be observed for materials?
An overview of the various conditions for the use of third-party materials in teaching or publication can be found here. The KIT library offers detailed individual advice on this (link will follow at the end of September).
What must be observed with regard to copyright?
The use of third-party materials in teaching is subject to legal framework conditions. In short, the rules of good scientific practice apply to any use of copyrighted works, both the source and the author must be clearly indicated. You can find tips and information on this here.
If a recording is also to be published, please consult the library.
How are videos made available and published?
It is up to you to decide whether and how the videos are shared. You can make the series of recordings available exclusively to your own students in the ILIAS course or gradually open them up to publication as OER. The settings for this are managed in the OC-AV (link will follow at the end of September).